Custom box I made for Horizon II Forbidden West. Got some inspiration after seeing the official PS5 template and recreating it to my best effort. Since there isn't an official PS5 category, I have been forced to put this under Misc. Please view in full for the best quality!
Horizon II: Forbidden West Box Cover Comments
Comment on Steve8492's Horizon II: Forbidden West Box Art / Cover.
Great job
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Thank you! Glad you like it
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Really pretty job, Steve!
Here's hoping the official PS5 packages look half as good as this.
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Thank you! I appreciate your praise and I'm glad you like it :)
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A shame that the site is so abandoned and the PS5 section is not updated. Regarding the design I loved it, almost all the designers left and honestly you deserve many more favorites.
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Thanks man! I want to keep making boxes but it's really sad that so many people left this site and it feels like a ghost town now. Not to mention the forums haven't been up in years. It would be nice to see this site get rejuvenated and have a strong community again. I miss the good ol' days!
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