game PlayStation 3 » Lightning Returns: FINAL FANTASY XIII Box Cover
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Lightning Returns: FINAL FANTASY XIII box art cover
By avatar Arby Works 32 on December 25th, 2012
print No Printable Available

For the upcoming entry to the Final Fantasy XIII series.
ScorpionSoldier for the 2D template.
0utcast for the 3D Template.

comments Lightning Returns: FINAL FANTASY XIII Box Cover Comments

Comment on Arby Works's Lightning Returns: FINAL FANTASY XIII Box Art / Cover.

Sarashi 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

Well you have spoilers for FFXIII-2, which really shouldn't be on anything yet. Other than that, apart from the repetition and the unfitting lighting/colouring of Lightning, which isn't ideal (perhaps lift LR Lightning so it covers XIII-2 Lightning so it looks like she's just gotten up, and tint her a bit more pink/purple to fit with the rest of the colours?), and how the logo has a glow which doesn't really belong there, and how the SE logo is unnecessarily high; the front looks pretty solid. For the back, things aren't that great. There is a noticeable change between the art and the black behind the tagline, which really is too wide in my opinion and shouldn't span the entire back almost edge to edge. The fonts you've used vary in how well they look: the tagline font is fine, but the main text is too close to the left edge and is too bold for my liking, and the lower description is just a bit bland.
I hope you find this constructive, as I have tried to explain how to correct the major problems.

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