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Radiohead - Amnesiac box art cover
By avatar vidboy10 34 on August 7th, 2011

comments Radiohead - Amnesiac Cover Comments

Comment on vidboy10's Radiohead - Amnesiac Cover.

vidboy10 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

Alright, It took me about over a hour or two to make, hope its worth it.

Now, for an explanation for "The Grande Collection", here in B.C they've recently added Criterion in local HMV/Future Shop/Best Buy/etc. And it gave me the idea...
What if there was a Criterion for music? And so The Grande Collection was born. The template was originally by Indexious, just tweaked it. The CD template was 100% by me.

If you want to create your own TGC box, here's the template.

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twoxT 34 [ 1 decade ago ]


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KeybladePenguin 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

1 hour? Daaaang that's amazing. Only thing I would suggest would be getting a bigger template so we can read the text on the back and on the discs a little better, but for what it is right now, incredible!

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Js2Kings 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

(I told you I'd get back to it). It's is pretty good. Idk enough about Radiohead for me to fav this, however it is a good job.

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vidboy10 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

#3, Done.
Printable added

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7sk 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

i just doesn't work for me. amnesiac is a dark, fragile, complicated record - the b-sides even more so - and your design is at once too clean and too bold. it looks strong, and amnesiac is so subtle it doesn't make sense to me, as a huge fan of radiohead and of this album in particular.

however, the thought of a Criterion Collection for music is intriguing, but i feel like it should stand on its own, not be so similar to the already overused template, especially the GAF Collection template which this resembles quite a bit. i created my own CC-inspired template around this time last year, and i stopped using it because of how limiting and frankly almost boring it became. if you're going to try to start something with a unified template for music, i support you, but i think you could and should take a more unique approach.

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vidboy10 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

#6, The main design of this box was this.
And to be honest man the rest of your text is just your opinion, with music there's tons of lost forgotten albums. I won't be running out of ideas.

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7sk 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

i think you might've misread what i said.

first, yeah, my opinion on your design is my opinion, i don't see why you pointed that out. aren't most of the comments on this site opinions?

and second, i wasn't criticizing your creation of a forgotten albums collection, i was, in fact, praising it. i just didn't feel like tacking on the same tired criterion template was the most original idea.

but yeah idk sorry for even saying anything

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