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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask box art cover
By avatar b/r/o/k/e/n 28 on March 2nd, 2011
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comments The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Box Cover Comments

Comment on b/r/o/k/e/n's The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Box Art / Cover.

b/r/o/k/e/n 28 [ 1 decade ago ]

first cover with a back...

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Unknown Flames 33 [ 1 decade ago ]

Design wise, it's not that bad.

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stevencho 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

3/10 I can tell there wasn't a lot of work put into this.

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b/r/o/k/e/n 28 [ 1 decade ago ]

what are you talking about, the front alone took me forever to get it the way i wanted it

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Deividas 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

#3, Personally I dont think you should be rating boxes. I dont mean that in the wrong way or anything but one cannot tell how hard someone worked on and you really cannot judge someones art. Not everyone is on the same level, some are just starting out, something that might not look good to you might be great work to someone else. Your rating boxes on your own bios and that is not fair at all to anyone. And im not trying to sound like an ass or anything because Im not saying anything bad im just trying to say I dont think you should be rating boxes, comments and critiques that help people are great but not ratings. Saying you can tell he didnt put a lot of work on this is really rude because you have no idea how much effort he put in. Hes not on the same level as you are and he is just starting out. Please dont rate artwork.

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stevencho 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

#5, I don't know who you are but what is wrong with rating boxes? I'm allowed to give my opinion. I never said that my rating is the universal law or that my rating somehow speaks for everyone. I'm just giving MY OWN personal rating. All my rating is saying is that I think he is only 30% of the way to a perfect box art. And who cares what level people are at? So I'm supposed to give a new person a 9/10 but if the box was made by a better artist I'd give them something lower like a 7? How does that make sense? No, in the interest of fairness I rate every user the same. That way they can see if they are improving or not. I know he's not at the same level as me, so that's why I'm giving him my opinion. If I gave him a 10/10 that'd be a lie. Jeez, if I made a bad box I would want someone to tell me and not pretend it was awesome. Do you guys want honest critiques to get better or do you just want a bunch of fake praise? My god how this site has gone down the crapper.

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b/r/o/k/e/n 28 [ 1 decade ago ]

giving your opinon is different then saying i didnt put work into it

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Deividas 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

#6, I wasn't talking about the level on the site. I was saying the persons art level. Being a level on the site doesn't say anything about anyone. Im saying you dont judge someones artwork by just saying they didn't put work into it. And you certainly dont hold someone who has just started out doing this to the same level as someone who has being doing this for years? You know what I mean? Perfect example is you dont expect someone in 3rd grade to create college level work. He is just starting out and saying he didnt put any work into this is just really rude. I dont care what you give someone but at least give reason on why and how to improve. How the hell is saying you get a 3/10 cause you didnt put any work into this going to help him??

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jerzykulik99 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

add some info and screenshots on the back and i'll concider faving it. so far the front looks cool

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stevencho 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

#8, Did I say I was talking about the level on the site? I was referring to art level too. You're saying I should give him praise because he is new, the same way you would let a little kid win at a board game because they're little. I don't believe in that logic. I'm going to give my honest opinion, so he knows exactly how people feel about his work. People did that for me when I joined the site. No one watered down their opinions because I was "new". They told me what my work honestly was... crap. And you know what? It really hurt. But you know what else? It actually forced me to try harder and then when I actually created something good and people gave me praise, I knew that it was real and I felt accomplished. That's all I'm trying to do here. I wouldn't expect a new person to create a masterpiece. In fact, I would say broken is right on track. A 3/10 is just fine for a first box. And it doesn't look like a lot of work was put into this. It looks like he blended together some Zelda pictures, typed "Just try to stop it", and threw on a template and some logos. It's a box. Just not one with a lot of effort put into it.

You want my advice. Look at some of the HoF boxes. You'll see how a good box is laid out. I would put in some screenshots with some borders. Try to create some more excitement on the front be it with a different light source (because it's very dark) or maybe a more appealing background. And hey, maybe you did put a lot of effort into it. I'm just saying it's not showing very well.

Anyways, I wasn't trying to offend you broken. I was just trying to give my honest feelings on your box because I thought that is what you wanted. I won't comment on your future work if you request so.

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b/r/o/k/e/n 28 [ 1 decade ago ]

just so you know it was meant to look dark because the game is dark. the cover was meant to show how twisted it is. i did put a lot of work into it, but i dont like putting info and screenshots because a, you can just look it up, and b, its more fun to make. i dont care if you comment but if you do dont just say i didnt put work into it when i actually did.

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stevencho 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

#11, I didn't mean dark like twisted. I meant it's literally dark, like it's hard to see anything.

And I'm sorry I said you didn't put a lot of work into this. Because you're right, I have no idea how much work you actually did. What I should have said was that the work you did put into this box isn't showing itself very well and you might want to focus on areas that manifest your efforts a little better.

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b/r/o/k/e/n 28 [ 1 decade ago ]

i dont know why you think its hard to see because i can see it fine. the only thing thats hard to see is skull kid's body and that was the way i wanted it, but everything else isnt hard to see.

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