This took a long time to make! Although I had heaps of fun doing it. Don't not fave just cause it is a galaxy box, judge it on its quality. The text looks blurry, but in full size it isn't. Enjoy! Comments appreciated.
i agree with tmrd and E G i don't like the way you used that font and you need to improve it like change the font for starters and make a better logo too. I will fave anyway good box except for the font.
the box itself is good, although I was hoping we wouldn't have to see any more "Super ___ Galaxy" boxes. Well, yours is half-decent so it's not the end of the world.
This took a long time to make! Although I had heaps of fun doing it. Don't not fave just cause it is a galaxy box, judge it on its quality. The text looks blurry, but in full size it isn't. Enjoy! Comments appreciated.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Overall it's a good box, but I don't like the fonts you used. By the way, you used the same image (toad and yoshi) two times.
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I like the box, but I hate the logo. I'll fav though.
What are those rectangular things in front of the box supposed to be?
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It's ok, the main logo is the weak link.
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i agree with tmrd and E G i don't like the way you used that font and you need to improve it like change the font for starters and make a better logo too. I will fave anyway good box except for the font.
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I like it, but not that Logo.
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even though i hate toad with my soul and i wnat him dead i will fav its the boxart what counts
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Well, thanks guys, I posted in all the request and logo threads, but no one would make me a logo, so I just put that. I might update with another one.
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#3, I believe it's a sort of "special case".
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great box
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Not this again...
the box itself is good, although I was hoping we wouldn't have to see any more "Super ___ Galaxy" boxes. Well, yours is half-decent so it's not the end of the world.
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It's very very good, but some art is on the important bits of the disc.
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#7, same here toad is a shame to the gaming industry.
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What a funny game! That looks awesome bro. Keep it up.
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