game PlayStation 3 » Dead Space Box Cover
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Dead Space box art cover
By avatar deiviuxs 47 on July 17th, 2009
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comments Dead Space Box Cover Comments

Comment on deiviuxs's Dead Space Box Art / Cover.

Sven 32 [ 1 decade ago ]

Not bad at all.

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deiviuxs 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

So, yeah..I decided to make a box for the new competition.
When I was making my previous Dead Space box (link, I did play with the colors and I like the way Isaac looked in black & white and this competition was great opportunity to come back and make "another version" of Dead Space box.
I went for simplistic look since it's a special edition (at first I wanted to call it "Black & white edition" but that sounded weird).

Thanks to:
Google Images
Photoshop CS3

Good luck to everyone who is in this competition! =)

If it's not that bad then why not fav it? =)
Anyways, thanks for comment!

Edited at 1 decade ago

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LEGOslayer 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

Doesn't really fit the theme of the game at all and its overly simplistic. Your other one is better.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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master_general 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

You had to do the same game as I

Yet, this is good, though extremely simplistic

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deiviuxs 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

I think simplicity works for this game, because if you had played the game, you would realize that this game is very creepy and "simple".
Isaac is almost always alone and you never know where someone will jump at you and that's what I wanted to show with this box.
Still, thanks for your feedback, I guess there are few people in this site that "think like me".

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LEGOslayer 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

I get what you're doing here, but the front is quite literally Issac about to walk into a wall looking behind him. It has no "creep" factor you were talking about.

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deiviuxs 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

Well that's how you understand it, I understood that Isaac is standing near the "wall" and there's a light behind him and he is looking at something.

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deiviuxs 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks for favoriting, AlEx-NiNt3Nd0! =)

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E_G 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

Really crisp and clean.

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Vekta101 33 [ 1 decade ago ]

Why did you put the tagline from Alien on this box?

/Gigantic Alien fanboy

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deiviuxs 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

that what I was going for. I actually made every single element in this box black & white (in other words, I did not desaturated the box itself).
It was either this or the other tagline that I used on my previous box ("There's no help coming") and I decided to use this one. I actually did not know it's from Alien.

Also, big thanks to HalfSwiss, master_general, Geno, and spypilot for favorites!

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jesse777 35 [ 1 decade ago ]

Now this is fantastic Maybe try blending some monsters into the wall. I still love it this way also

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deiviuxs 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks for you feedback and favorite, jesse777. =)

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Radioactive Bob 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

I agreee with what EG said, it's very clean, and i like the black and white you did. Overall it's a really great box, but i think you could have used the black and white to a greater effect. Such as making the logo in color so it stood out more. And maybe on the tagline, make "scream" a blood red, for emphasis.

Just some ideas, overall i really do think it's a nice looking box. :)

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deiviuxs 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

Those are some good ideas, but since it is for a competition, there are no colors allowed at all. I might do that and update the box after the competition.
Also, feel free to drop a fav since you liked the box. ;)

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SimplyVimal 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Yeah man hella good box for a hella good game great job I think the simplicity in it was a good choice like the front alot this would be a great metallic case anf the back is great good job also on the black and white awesome job man

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deiviuxs 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

Yeah, I would like to see it in metallic box.
Once again, feel free to fav the box if you liked it. =)

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Radioactive Bob 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

#15, ohhh, then thats my bad, dude! I dont keep up on these competitions like i used to! xD Sorry bout that, but im glad you liked the ideas nonetheless. :D

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deiviuxs 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

#18, that's ok. It was nice to hear your opinion.
(Once again, your forgot to fav)

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deiviuxs 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks for favorites and StarMario22! =)

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